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Brow lifts can be performed for many reasons. While most patients typically undergo the procedure to achieve cosmetic goals, others use the surgery for medical purposes. As we get older, our skin begins to lose elasticity, our muscles become less firm, and fat pads can shift causing obstructed vision.

At Stein Plastic Surgery, we often see patients with excessively low-set brows. Although eyebrow surgery isn’t able to impact your eyesight directly, it is able to restore vision caused by brow blockage. Dr. Stein routinely performs brow lift procedures to help improve peripheral vision.

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*Individual Results May Vary

How Does A Brow Lift Work?

Brow lift surgery is done under general anesthesia and typically takes 1-2 hours to complete. Dr. Stein performs all surgical procedures in our state-of-the-art and fully-accredited surgical facility. During your procedure, Dr. Stein will meticulously work to thin fat pads, tighten underlying muscles, and remove excess skin that may be causing blocked vision. Brow lifts are an outpatient procedure allowing you to go home the same day.

Patients can see instantly noticeable results with very limited downtime. Aside from an improved range of vision, you’ll benefit from a more youthful appearance as well. As any post-surgical swelling dissipates, you’ll see continued improvement. Final results from your brow lift can take several weeks.

Brow Lift Consultations Available!


Is A Brow Lift Right for You?

There’s a quick at-home trick you can use to determine if a brow lift might be able to help improve your vision. Simply stand in front of the mirror and use your finger to lightly pull your eyebrow in an upward direction. If it seems to have a positive impact on your field of sight, a brow lift may be in order.

Many patients who get brow lift procedures for medical reasons can also benefit from pairing their procedure with an upper blepharoplasty (eyelid lift). Combination procedures produce enhanced results with a single recovery. The best way to find out what’s right for you is through an in-person consultation with a skilled facial surgeon such as Dr. Stein.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about brow lift procedures? To meet with Dr. Stein, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, request a consultation at our practice by filling out the form on this pageStein Plastic Surgery serves patients in the Raleigh & Durham, NC areas.

*Individual results may vary.

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