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Rhinoplasty surgery is a common procedure for both younger and older patients. The surgery improves facial contours and gives patients a boost in self-confidence. Choosing a skilled board certified facial plastic surgeon for your rhinoplasty surgery can help ensure an optimal outcome with lifelong results. And, with a little planning, recovery from rhinoplasty surgery can be quick and easy.

When planning your nose surgery, it’s important to remember that no two procedures are done exactly the same and every body has a unique healing process. However, there is a general rule of thumb most healthy adults can expect when it comes to rhinoplasty downtime. Let’s take a look.

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How Does Rhinoplasty Work?

Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that’s done in our state-of-the-art surgical center on an outpatient basis. Immediately following surgery, you’ll be able to head home for some rest and relaxation. It’s a requirement to have a friend or family member stay with you for the first 24-hours after anesthesia.

Recovery: Week One

Post-surgical swelling, tenderness, and bruising will be at their worst about 3-days following your procedure. Pain medication will be prescribed to manage any discomfort during this time. Most patients opt to take the first few days fairly easy giving their body plenty of healing time. Many men and women are able to return to non-strenuous activities anywhere from 5-7 days post-treatment and most return to week after 7 days, which is after the splint comes off.

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Recovery: Week Two

The majority of swelling will subside about 2-weeks after your rhinoplasty. Patients can start to incorporate more strenuous activities such as exercise into their normal routine. However, take care to listen to your body so you don’t push yourself too hard too soon. Doing so can prolong the healing process. In most cases, you should feel comfortable returning to social situations after 1-2 weeks.

Full Rhinoplasty Recovery

It can take several months and up to a year for your new nose to “settle” into its final resting place. Final results will become evident as post-operative swelling continues to dissipate. Rhinoplasty surgery tends to be very straightforward, and many patients find the downtime to be well worth the lifelong investment.

Dr. Stein will provide you with in-depth information about every aspect of your procedure at the time of your consultation. He will also create a post-surgical recovery plan based on your individual procedure and lifestyle. All members of the Stein Plastic Surgery team will be available to address any questions or concerns you have throughout the recovery process, including Dr. Stein, who provides you with his personal cell phone number so you can reach him after hours and on weekends.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about rhinoplasty procedures? To meet with Dr. Stein, a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon, request a consultation at our practice by filling out the form on this page. Or, call our office at (919) 261-7099 to schedule your appointment. Stein Plastic Surgery serves patients in the Raleigh & Durham, NC areas.

*Individual results may vary.

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